Saturday, January 3, 2015

Archimedes and his Inventions

     Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Sicily in 287 BC, and died there in 212 BC. His inventions were notable and he was undoubtedly a genius. He invented the devices including compound pulleys, burning mirrors like solar furnaces to set up fire to the sails of invading ships and a large catapult type stone throwing machines which is said that prevented the Romans from conquering Syracuse for three years. Although, we knew that these devices are of interests, Archimedes is more famous for his practical contributions to Mathematics and Hydrostatics

     Archimedes' work in Hydrostatics involved a series of experiments on the relative density of substance. These were prompted by accusations by King Hiero of Sicily that his metal worker stolen on of his gold and to hide their crime,had alloyed the gold with silver.Legend has it that while contemplating the problem in his bath.Archimedes noticed that his body,immersed in the water,displaced a volume of water equal to that of his body.He was therefore able to distinguish between pure gold and the lighter gold-silver alloy by immersing equal weights of both in water and noting how the water level rose in each case.The alloy,being less dense than the gold was bulkier for its weight and displaced more water.Archimedes is supposed to have been so elated by his discovery that he leaped out of the bath and ran naked through the streets shouting 'Eureka' (I've found it).

     Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier for refusing to get out of the way while busy drawing a diagram on the sand. 

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